
Unlock 2023 Recap & What's To Come in 2024

By | Oct 4, 2023

Wrapping up Unlock 2023: Aiwyn’s User Conference, where we celebrate the power of partnerships, community, and prioritizing the needs of our clients.



As a people-first company, we understand that by putting our customers first, we create a stronger bond with our community. This year’s user conference serves as a platform to gather insights from our valued customers, ensuring that we continue to meet their wants and needs effectively.


This year, we had the pleasure of hosting an incredible event that left attendees inspired and eager for what's to come. Let us take you on a journey, offering a glimpse into the highlights of Unlock 2023.

The key themes of our conference revolved around technology adoption, automation, and the remarkable individuals driving these advancements. Day one, we focused on ways to better leverage your data using technology; on day two, we focused on the people - because it’s all about the people. We have focused on these abilities as we recognize you have control over your data, which can create an overall excellent client experience.


We had the privilege of hosting distinguished keynote speakers who generously shared their expertise and vision on these subjects. Tom Clark, a Technology Leader & Executive at RSM, captivated the audience with his enlightening presentation on how to understand AI, prepare for AI today, and apply AI tomorrow. He spoke to how firms can harness artificial intelligence to optimize operational efficiency. He emphasized the significance of strategic planning, resource allocation, adaptability, and ethical considerations in the realm of artificial intelligence.


Following his impactful talk, Chris Allen, the Founder and Managing Partner of Always About People, provided invaluable insights in his presentation titled "Human Hacks." He stressed the importance of nurturing our workforce, as they reciprocate by taking care of us. Allen delved into generational shifts and explored the factors that drive and motivate individuals over time, as well as the strategies we can employ to better understand the needs of our people.


These timely topics resonated across the conference, allowing for real-time solutions and shared knowledge that engaged everyone in attendance.

“Take care of your people, and they will take care of you. You have to show you really care, because if you don’t care, they won’t either”. - Tom Quinn


One of the most engaging aspects of Unlock 2023 was the roundtable conversations with our customers. These discussions allowed us to identify pain points in automation and adoption, as well as gain a deeper understanding of how our tools can assist in overcoming these challenges. We were humbled by the opportunity to facilitate growth and foster client experience based automation within our community.

But that's not all – we had an exciting surprise in store for our attendees. We proudly unveiled our latest product, Relay! Designed to connect the unconnectable in cross-functional tech stacks. Relay is Aiwyn's cutting-edge data ecosystem. With seamless synchronization and automation capabilities, Relay revolutionizes your firm and client experience. By harnessing the power of client data, you can concentrate on what truly matters – your team, your work, and your clients.


“We believe accounting firms have three great assets to leverage: 1. Your Data, 2    Your People, 3. Your Clients.”- Justin Adams


Unlock 2023 wouldn't have been possible without the generous support of our sponsors. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Paro, PairPEO, Iris, and Vsimple for their invaluable contributions. Their partnership has played a vital role in making this event a resounding success. Also big thanks to Resident Culture for making the event space amazing and keeping the coffee flowing. 

We want to express our sincere appreciation to everyone who participated in this year's Unlock 2023. Your presence and engagement have enriched our conference, and we are grateful for your continued support. Together, we are shaping the future of our industry, one step at a time. We look forward to seeing all of you again next year at Unlock 2024 in Nashville at the Virgin Hotel.

Unlock your firm's future with Aiwyn! Don’t miss out on our Pre-Early Bird Registration for Unlock 2024 HERE!


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Aiwyn enhances the revenue cycle for accounting firms by integrating with existing practice management and CRM systems to unlock client and firm data, automate processes, and increase cash flow.



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