Billing & AR Management

Early Access

Get bills out the door, faster and easier.

Nobody likes to do billing. CPAs want to serve clients, not labor over WIP analysis and debate write-downs. So WIP builds up, bills sit in draft instead of going out the door, and firms have to deal with the constant backlog. Our customers see:

  • 10% of partner time lost on invoicing per month.
  • 53% of frustrated clients due to poor billing experiences.
  • Partners waiting 100 days to send clients an invoice after completed services.
Aiwyn’s Billing & AR Management will accelerate the process, ensure accuracy, enhance collaboration, and improve data accessibility for these numbers:
Increase in YoY Realization Rates
Send Bills 2.4x Faster

Turn your billing around.

Before Aiwyn
Time-consuming manual exports, selections, and data entry required for billing.
After Aiwyn
Automated data retrieval and processing to speed up the billing cycle.
Before Aiwyn
Teams secluded in silos tediously generating and sharing reports.
After Aiwyn
Teams collaborate in real-time to share insights, reports, and billing statuses.
Before Aiwyn
Cumbersome access to billing data and reports with manual efforts to generate and distribute the information.
After Aiwyn
Instant access to billing data and analytics for better decision-making and accessibility for all stakeholders.

How Billing & AR Management Works Today

Proactively draft bills by pulling in all relevant information into one place
Gather engagement letters, fee structures, past invoices, and more.
Gather engagement letters, fee structures, past invoices, and more.
Deliver bills in a timely manner through streamlined processes and real-time collaboration.
Adjust WIP on a bill, either per line item or in aggregate, and automatically calculate adjustments by modifying the bill amount.

Success Story

J. David Brown, Controller, BMSS
“Aiwyn has been a game-changer for our firm and clients!” 
Increase in Year-Over-Year (YOY)
Digital Payment Volume

Reduction in Time
To Pay Invoices

In Time Savings
Per Month

Billing & AR Management is in the early access stage with select firms currently using the solution.

If you are interested in adding Billing & AR Management click below and join our waitlist.