After working with Aiwyn, Pinion saw:


DSO reduction
invoices paid within 2 weeks of receiving Smart Statements


saved per month through automation of statements and payment posting
Aiwyn Success Story Danielle Holland@2x

Danielle Holland | Billing Team Supervisor

“Aiwyn has reduced our collections time, saved resources and staff hours, increased ease for our clients, and has helped to elevate our operations teams and procedures by supporting a streamlined, centralized channel of invoicing and payments. Aiwyn is always working smoothly alongside us, behind the scenes, to help Pinion achieve its goals.”

Success Story Deep-Dive

Challenge: Slow processes and cash flow.

Pinion’s impressive growth brought with it a lack of standardization around billing processes, which burned valuable employee time and slowed the flow of cash in the door. Further, like any firm without a streamlined billing process, Pinion was at risk of errors that could cause both their employees and clients frustration. The firm’s leadership knew this would create a less-than-ideal client experience and decided to tackle the problem head-on. That’s when they found Aiwyn.

Solution: Dramatic increase in cash flow.

Like every top-ranked firm, Pinion prioritizes their clients, aiming to provide a superior experience to not only retain existing, but also attract new clientele. Additionally, employee retention and satisfaction are crucial, and Pinion wants to give their employees a tech stack that sets them up for success. When both clients and employees are happy, the firm thrives.

Pinion took advantage of Aiwyn’s proven technology, Intelligence-Based Billing™, and integrated it with their existing practice management software in just 2 months. Once implemented, they quickly saw the benefits of streamlining the billing process - both internally and externally.

Intelligence-Based Billing™ has helped to provide the consistency and standardization Pinion was seeking in its billing processes across their offices nationwide. As Pinion looks to continue growth in the future, Aiwyn will be a boon to the firm’s ability to nimbly navigate change.